Do these beliefs stigmatize addicts?
Learning Journal Unit 8 Credit: In Chapter 16, Substance Abuse Disorders are discussed. Substance Abuse Disorders are prevalent in society. Among the medical community, addiction is considered a chronic disease, but this concept seems difficult for some to understand or believe. What is it about addiction, do you believe, that keeps it a taboo subject? Depending on your socio-cultural background, you may have been brought up with certain beliefs about addicts and addiction. Reflect on the dominant beliefs of your society. Do these beliefs stigmatize addicts? How do the dominant beliefs in your society either help or hinder addicts from receiving treatment? If you have some experience with someone that you know, consider what you've witnessed and offer your thoughts. The Learning Journal entry should be a minimum of 400 words and not more than 750 words. Use APA citations and references if you use id...