How has society affected your views?

Learning Journal Unit 6

For this Learning Journal, you will write a paper about your own experiences. Using reflective writing consider the following: 

Society affects our behaviors and how we interact with others. How has society affected your views? What are some things that you feel pressured to conform to, and how have you approached this issue?

Have you known others who conform to pressure from others or society? What did they do? How did they deal with the pressure?

Discuss the importance of pro-social behavior and altruism in your society or cultural tradition.

The Learning Journal entry should be a minimum of 400 words and not more than 750 words. Use APA citations and references if you use ideas from the readings or other sources. Situations have affected our behaviour generally mainly determined from our surroundings and immediate environment in stages in our life is a mixture of both continuous and discontinuous development.  Upon reflection,  I agreed with Erik Erikson's psychosocial development theory, especially in the area of development that takes places throughout our lifespan.  

As for myself, my maturity came later than an average, so naturally the situation does not really affect me that much as my wild imagination occupies my mind most of the time as an escapism from the childhood unhappiness comes with a semi-toxic environment mostly from my father's side.  He has serious alcoholic issues from his bad habit blaming his both parents for his failure in life and created adnormous hostile environment.  

When I was in highschool, I spent most of my time outside my residence and a lot of my time with my teachers or schoolmates.  I was involved in many school activities and stayed inside the library in a way to escape many unpleasantness and unnecessary drama happening within my family members.  

I was active in the LEO club as Vice President did a lot of charitable activities especially visiting old folks homes and orphanages homes.  This is how altruism came to my life directly from these charitable activities and both of my parents were not involved much in charitable activities.  Thanks to my unhappiness situation from my childhood indirectly has helped me to develop empathy generally.  The pain I went through has developed my personality, having a lending ear for those who suffer similar situations, ability to understand someone else's feelings from my wild imagination to be in that person's situation.  It is extremely important to develop a charitable heart that is ever ready to give or lend a hand to those unfortunate one.

When I was 16 years old, the evil religious regime of my country tried to introduce the NINJA type of teacher (evil religious parasites) as promoting religious extremism within the school.  The evil devish looking terrorist dress like an black NINJA can't properly teach us and affect our studies badly.  Their evil religious bias schools rocket up exponentially since 1980 by force introduced evil religious parasites monitoring in every aspect of their life created resentments and disengaged with other communities.

The evil regime of my country continues promoting evil religious cults beliefs in Public University itself pisses me off the most.  So I have to find an alternative way to further my studies in private college without these evil religious interference.  

I was an active volunteer helping out in the 16th Commonwealth Games (Sukom 98) which has been an eye opening for me to know the realities in life and how corrupt my country is.  Right after the international events ended, I managed to secure myself a job in Berlin, Germany.  I started to protest online against corruption and get rid of any policies promoting religious racist policies.

Forced PM resigned in 1969, the evil religious regime created evil racist policies and took over the country by force.  Fortunately Singapore had successfully left us in 1965 mainly due to the fact the first Prime Minister of Singapore, Mr Lee Kuan Yew, rejected any form of religious extreme and racism.  Ever since then the extreme religious parasites continue to en-cock-roaching the whole nation with their extreme religious cum racism changes all the policies inline promoting evil religious cults beliefs.  Every resource has been fully abused with massive corruption that ruined the nation and yet they still were elected due to majority foolish fools who had been playing out using racism cum evil religious cults beliefs as main tool to stay in power till today.

The majority foolish fools (nice naive people) willing surrender their own free will and they were forced to take up religious studies every early in age, attending those religious activities weekly, change the traditional clothing to evil religious uniform, etc.  The most sickening is introducing the loud speaker blasted in every corner of the nation 5 times a day which subconsciously instills fear in the general public.  I tried to stay away from these evil religious loud speakers and I have to wear noise-canceling headphones to reduce noise pollution.  A few of them strongly against these evil religious regimes managed to claim asylum overseas successfully.

I started actively involved with the opposition parties, various NGOs, and regularly attended protests for 20 years since 1998.  Fortunately the opposition parties managed to win the election in 2018 after struggling for 61 years.

Words count: 750


Amy Chew (2019). Malaysia's dangerous racial, religious trajectory. Retrieved from

Edmund Lim (2015). Behind the scenes: What led to separation in 1965. Retrieved from

Tashny Sukumaran (2019). Malaysia’s May 13 racial riots: 50 years on, they couldn’t happen again, could they?. Retrieved from

Bridget Welsh (2020). Malaysia’s Political Polarization: Race, Religion, and Reform. Retrieved from

SPH Digital News (2018). PM Mahathir to overhaul Malaysia's schools, saying too much focus on Islamic studies now. Retrieved from

Dr Mohd Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi (2018). Education policies to tackle racial and religious extremism. Retrieved from

Tayeb, Azmil. (2018). Countering Violent Extremism in Religious Education in Malaysia. Retrieved from

Fathil, Fauziah & Oktasari, Wiwin. (2017). RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AND CONTAINMENT OF RADICAL ELEMENTS: THE CASE OF PONDOK SCHOOLS IN MALAYSIA. UMRAN - International Journal of Islamic and Civilizational Studies. 4. 10.11113/umran2017.4n1-1.205. Retrieved from

Lee, M., Sirat, M. and Wan, C.D. (2017), "The development of Malaysian universities: Exploring characteristics emerging from interaction between Western academic models and traditional and local cultures", Higher Education Evaluation and Development, Vol. 11 No. 1, pp. 25-37. Retrieved from


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